Photo exhibition
Photography book: The Ruins of Detroit by Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre
The Ruins of Detroit: a gorgeous book about Detroit, how the city has changed and some storytelling about the decay of a dream, of an industry and an era. Authors Yves Marchand and Romain Meffre depict in 186 amazing photos almost a century of Detroit in empty buildings, ruins and ghostly landscapes. “Ruins are the […]
This photo is worth $4.34 million
This is a real ground breaking record: a whopping $4.34 million is the price paid at a Christie’s auction in NY. This Rhein II river snapshot set the world record for a photo. Gursky’s print, made in 1999, was expected to sell for between $2.5 million and $3.5 million. It depicts a stunning panorama of […]
Magnum Photos exhibition in Germany (Oct 2011-Jan-2012): war photography compendium
Do you happen to be in Reutlingen, Germany from October 10, 2011 – January 31, 2012? You should, we all should, even if we’re not photo enthusiasts. Magnum Photos (yes, the name associated with Robert Capa, Henry Cartier Bresson, Steve McCurry…) is presenting Wunden der Welt – Wounds of the World, an educational exhibition on […]