Wacom Techno Cintiq 21UX 21-Inch Interactive Pen Display

You may think you’ve seen everything that’s cool around. Think again. Wacom Techno Cintiq 21UX 21-Inch Interactive Pen Display is so stunning and new you’ll ask yourself how you made it before. It’s a tablet sporting the well-known Wacom quality plus a 21-inch UXGA (1600 x 1200) Pixel LCD display. That means you’re going to […]


Apple updates Mac Pro, iMac and Mac Mini

Stop all rumors! The guys at MacSwitching.com just reported that Apple has just updated Mac Pro, iMac and Mac Mini (after a few hours of down-service for world-wide online Apple Store). Mac Pro -> new versions with 4- and 8-core, both with a redesigned interior, iMac -> four versions: from 20″ (now US$ 1,199) and […]


MacBook Pro 17 unibody: huge, powerful and… available!

Have you been to Mars when Apple early this January announced the new MacBook Pro 17 unibody? Time to refresh your memory, since it’s now available! At first glance, you could easily mistake the new 17-inch MacBook Pro for its predecessor, the legendary 17-inch PowerBook G4 ( ; January 2006 ). The new model has […]
